
I am

My name is Tamás, I'm 23 years old, and live in Debrecen, Hungary.

Portfolio image

About me

Hello! My name is Tamás Mezei

I'm 23, and live in Debrecen, Hungary. I started making websites by the school in 2018. I have been at my current job since 2020 as Full Stack Web Developer. I needed to switch to SharePoint, within that PowerApps and MS Flow in June, 2022. But I love more to create websites.

Since the beginning of 2023, I have watched several courses and I want to improve myself better on websites and improve more things.

I regularly go to the gym in my free time, and I also like to play basketball if possible.

Web Skills

  • HTML

  • CSS

  • Bootstrap

  • Sass

  • JavaScript

  • React

  • NodeJS

  • Wordpress

Web Projects

Project 1
Dallos Pilates

First website developed by wordpress where a unique theme was created

Project 2
Jack Pet Food

Website developed by wordpress, where a unique theme has been developed, a dog-friendly website where more things related to dogs are available.

Project 3
Máltai foci

Website for the Hungarian Maltese Sports Association, with an admin interface in the background

Project 4
Módszertani kártya

Website where they can teach different age groups with the help of cards

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